13 December, 2016

Activate English Group 4.9. at Dnipro Window on America center

The Year of English in Ukraine is coming to an end. Today the last but one lesson of the WOA’s “Express English” course took place.
The conversation with the topic “Transport of Dnipro city” caused a lot of laughter and jokes. The instructor-lecturer Tamara Gavryliuk started the lesson with conversational exercises in pairs – to activate popular grammatical construction.
The home task for the group was to prepare presentations about preferred transport. Today some students presented their speeches to the public. The challenges of Dnipro transportation system were mentioned: absence of cycling culture and aggressive towards cyclists drivers, neglect of safety rules (no helmets even on moto cycles). The row of laughter started when we described out subway - probably the shortest subway in Ukraine and maybe in the world. The lesson was very educational and provided a lot of cross-cultural information. The students practiced to talk about complicated things in simple, but idiomatic English.
Number of participants – 33 persons.
Have a look at more pictures, please


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