25 April, 2018

Батьківщина у вигнанні

За підтримки земляцтва кримських татар м. Дніпро відбулася зустріч з політв’язнем, зам. голови Меджлісу кримських татар Ахтемом Чийгозом. Він розповів про ситуацію в Криму, як він її бачить і оцінює, про порушення прав людини, поділився своїми думками про окупантів Криму і оптимістичними прогнозами на майбутнє Криму.
В межах зустрічі відбулася презентація фотовиставки Анастасії Власової  Ця дівчина стала свідком другого вигнання кримськотатарського народу. Вона створила художню розповідь про життя трьох татарських родин на Львівщині. Відвідувачі заходу переглянули відеозвернення фотохудожниці.
Виставка експонувалася у бібліотеці в межах проекту «Мандрівна галерея», вона була надана культурним центром «Американський Дім», м.Київ.
Можливо ці фото надихнуть художників Дніпра сміливіше висвітлювати життя кримських татар. Є в ньому і сумні, і веселі, і смачні сторінки. Було приємно познайомитися зі студентками Медичної академії Султаніє Халіповою та Ельмаз Аблаєвою, випускником Університету залізничного транспорту Рефатом Аблязовим, підприємцями та іншими членами кримськотатарської громади у Дніпрі.
Бібліотекарі розуміють, щоб зберегти знання кримськотатарської мови, знадобляться підручники і книги. Була розгорнута виставка книг кримськотатарською мовою з фондів Відділу іноземних мов і літератури.
На кінець теплої зустрічі з Ахтемом Чийгозом відбувся обмін подарунками і сувенірами, фотосесія на пам'ять, обмін візитками.
Кількість учасників – 45 осіб.

Усенко Світлана:
Емоційний відгук юної Анастасії Анастасия Фесюра на зустріч з Ахтемом Чийгозом, заступником Голови Меджлісу кримськотатарського народу, що відбулася у Дніпропетровській обласній універсальній науковій бібліотеці.
Це була велика честь приймати такого гостя. І приємне хвилювання.
Любимо Крим, сумуємо за ним, чекаємо повернення Криму в Україну.
Хочемо допомогти тим, хто втратив батьківшину, і тим, хто облаштовується у Дніпрі зараз.
Бібліотека - це в першу чергу інформація. У другу - спілкування, нові друзі, ідеї, поради.

Поистине, у каждого из нас свой фронт. В этом Ахтем Чийгоз несомненно прав. И касается это не только войны с Россией. Кто-то изо дня в день ведет борьбу против бюрократии, а кто-то сражается за права женщин, кто-то пытается добиться лучшей жизни для бездомных животных, а кто-то заступается за ветеранов АТО перед водителями. Я считаю, что очень важно уметь отстоять то, во что веришь, то, что считаешь правильным, в любой сфере жизни и любой ценой. Если вы смотрели фильм "Marshall", то знаете его заглавный саундтрек "Stand Up for Something", в котором есть следующие строчки :
You can't just talk the talk
You got to walk that walk, yes you do
It all means nothing
If you don't stand up for something
And I stand up for you

Я стою за многонациональность, за проявление уважения к другим культурам, за то, чтобы изучать не только самые распространенные в мире 5-10 языков. Я стою за каждого своего друга и подругу армянку, грузинку, кореянку, немку и т.д.
Я стою за Украину, которую однажды мой прадедушка, моя прабабушка и еще с десяток родственников смогли назвать своей Родиной.
Я стою за тех, кто может подавать правильный пример, вдохновлять и мотивировать, кто может лишь парой слов вселять в людей веру и оптимизм. Поэтому спасибо за приглашение, Эльвин Кадыров (Elvin Kadyrov)! Было очень интересно! Временами даже пробирало до мурашек и слез. Я услышала ответы на интересующие вопросы и смогла сложить некоторые пазлы. Надеюсь, это не последняя наша встреча в Днепре!

17 April, 2018

Dnipro WOA in April

on April, 16 – Like or dislike.
The young visitors once again excited the DOUNB library's silence. A regular training session for younger schoolchildren (“Grass-Hoppers” Club) took place at “Window on America” Center.
WOA’s volunteer Anna Motorina told members of Club about “The Positive and the Negative statements”.
Number of participants – 6 children.

On 17 April – “Activate English!” Group’s Graduation.
This afternoon the Activate English group had the final lesson. A pleasant surprise was the big number of students who have made it to the end of the course.
The group was introduced to the phrases and vocabulary for international travelers.
They practiced the topics “At the Airport” and “In the Airplane”. The phrases for customs and immigration formalities were very useful for the learners.
In the second part of the lecture the “Activate English” students faced a challenge – a visit of the US volunteer with fluent English. Our guest Ms. Tamara added information about border crossing peculiarities in the USA.
The course was based on the materials from the textbook published by McMillan Language House and focused on the conversational practice for intermediate and advanced level learners of English.
During 10 educational sessions the students practiced popular conversational topics, studied new vocabulary and grammatical structures, learned about the basic etiquette of the English-speaking countries, mastered the skills of “small talk”.
The most diligent participants of the Activate English group received WOA’s Certificates of Attendance.
Well done, guys! You are welcome at all WOA’s events!
Number of participants – 40 persons.

18 April – «Wednesday Movie Club» / «Кіноклуб по середах» – The Object of My Affection.
On April, 18 – «Wednesday Movie Club» in DniproWOA offered the big screening of the film “The Object of My Affection”. The film is directed by Nicholas Hytner, and the screenplay was written by Wendy Wasserstein.
The Object of My Affection is a 1998 American romantic comedy-drama film, adapted from the novel of the same name by Stephen McCauley, and starring Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd. The story concerns a pregnant New York social worker who develops romantic feelings for her gay best friend and decides to raise her child with him, and the complications that ensue.
The film was filmed in 1997 in various locations around New York City, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
The warm discussion followed the film watching and touched the different aspects of the film: the actors’ playing, the director’s work, the soundtracks and the lifestyles of the fiction heroes. 
Number of participants – 9.

on April, 19 – We love different books.
The young visitors once again excited the DOUNB library's silence. A regular training session for younger schoolchildren (“Grasshoppers” Club) took place at “Window on America” Center with WOA’s volunteer Anna Motorina.
Children enjoyed reading, translating, dancing and joined in singing songs.
Number of participants – 7 children.

on April, 19 – English for beginners.
A new mini project has been launched in Window on America center in Dnipro. Volunteer Anna Motorina generously shared her knowledge with the club members attended the club today. She taught them to read complex English sounds as diphthongs and triphthongs and gave recommendations on using interesting online-resources for practicing pronunciation.
So we focused on reading rules for the vowels and consonants. The group was excited and inspired to continue to work on pronunciation of English sounds and improving English in general.
Number of participants – 5 persons.

on April, 21 – Earth Day 2018 – End Plastic Pollution.
This afternoon the Gabfest Club session (Window on America center, Dnipro, Ukraine) was dedicated to the global ecology issues. Earth Day 2018 is dedicated to providing the information and inspiration needed to fundamentally change human attitude and behavior about plastics.
We started with the introductions of   environmental vocabulary and discussion of recycling posters.
The second step was to review the solutions for plastic pollution – limitation of unnecessary packaging, plastic usage in road building and bricks manufacture, avoiding disposable cutlery and containers, etc. The group was impressed with the news about the discovery of an enzyme that degrades plastic and may help to solve the problem. The topic was illustrated with the You Tube videos.
The session’s highlight was the presence of our US volunteer Mrs. Tamara. She made lots of insider’s comments about recycling practices in the USA.
Participants number – 28 persons.

on April, 21 – Everyday life in the USA: Round-table communication at WOA Dnipro.

This afternoon the Gabfest Club members (Window on America center, Dnipro, Ukraine) had a round-table communication with WOA’s volunteer Ms. Tamara. She is always open to communication with the Ukrainian learners of English. She tells them a lot of interesting things about life in the USA.
Participants number – 13 persons.

April 22 –  International students at WOA Dnipro.
This afternoon the WOA Dnipro facilitated the event of its long-time partner – the international student organization AISEC.
The AISEC meeting was dedicated to the volunteering opportunities abroad for AISEC members. A Medical Academy international student from Egypt made a presentation about the projects available in Europe and the opportunities to practice different skills.
Another AISEC member presented the opportunity to host an incoming foreign volunteer in Ukraine and to benefit from intensive cross-cultural communication.
Approaching summer holidays are a wonderful opportunity for international experience for all learners of English.
Participants number – 8 persons.

on April, 23 – Meet the Robinsons.
The young visitors once again excited the DOUNB library's silence. A regular training session for younger schoolchildren (“Grasshoppers” Club) took place at “Window on America” Center with WOA’s volunteer Anna Motorina.
Children enjoyed watching American computer-animated science fiction comedy film Meet the Robinsons (2007).
Number of participants – 7 children.

on April, 24 – Natale-di-Roma.
Number of participants – 12 persons.

on April, 25-  «Homeland in Exile».
The "Window on America" center presents to the patrons a poster-display «Homeland in Exile».
Number of viewers – 45.

25 April – «Wednesday Movie Club» / «Кіноклуб по середах» – The Truman Show.
Wednesday Movie Club” at Window on America center Dnipro (Ukraine) the film The Truman Show was presented to all who wish to improve their language skills.
The Truman Show is a 1998 American satirical science fiction film directed by Peter Weir.
The warm discussion followed the film watching and touched the different aspects of the film: the actors’ playing, the director’s work, the soundtracks and the lifestyles of the fiction heroes.  

Marina, moderator: It was an honor and pleasure to moderate discussion of the movie this time. I had a pleasure to discuss it with the members, who have different levels of English. I tried to activate them - I asked them questions, tried to motivate them to share their opinion with everyone, shared my opinion with them. I can sincerely say that everyone loved it – I can hardly say what club members like most – watch the movie or discuss it. Anyway we did both and enjoyed it. We remembered many moments in the Truman show, and we identified the main idea of this movie – continue to do what you do, don’t stop; don’t give up, no matter what. Especially wonderful thought was that actually the main character was led by his love to go to the real world. By moderating I wanted to make them think English, and see what it’s like to be fluent in English. I wanted to inspire them to keep coming to the club to improve public speaking skills, as this was my first time moderating, I hope I succeeded in it in a way, and I’m feeling happy that Truman Show helped me in it.  
Number of participants – 17.

on April, 26 – Volunteering Thursday.
Young and adult DOUNB library patrons can  learn  some  English  with  the volunteer Anna Motorina.
 IT specialist Oleksiy Izmalkov practiced conversational English with the junior students who are members of the WOA’s “Grasshoppers” Club. He told them about the benefits and dangers of computer games that are loved by many kids.
With “Window to America” Center’s adult patrons Anna drilled some phonetics and started to introduce the basics of English grammar. The adult learners found a minute to play a popular board game with words - "Scrabble". It is very popular in English-speaking countries.
Number of participants – 10.
on April, 28 – Intellectual Property Day at WOA Dnipro.
This afternoon the Gabfest Club members (Window on America center, Dnipro, Ukraine)  got together to discuss the basics of the intellectual property.
This year our World Intellectual Property Day theme is “Powering change: Women in innovation and creativity.” The group started with a conversation about talented women creators who come from Dnipro region. Among the globally known accomplishments were the theosophy theory by Olena Blavatsky and decorative painting by Petrykivka village women.
The group was familiarized with the terms “trademark”, “patent” and “copyright”. The difference between these notions was explained and illustrated with relevant YouTube videos. The misleading term “copywriting” was also introduced and explained.
Participants number – 25 persons.

on April, 28 – Speed English: Intellectual property.

This afternoon the Gabfest Club members (Window on America center, Dnipro, Ukraine) had a Speed English session devoted to the World Intellectual Property Day.
The topic for the speaking activity was quite complicated – “Intellectual property”. The groups had to discuss the topic of intellectual piracy, its spread in the world, its consequences for the property owners.
Participants number – 25 persons.

on April, 28 – La bellissima città di Roma

14 April, 2018

Speed English on the topic “Space”

Speed English on the topic “Space” at WOA Dnipro.
This afternoon the Gabfest Club members (Window on America center, Dnipro, Ukraine) had a Speed English session. The space topic was welcomed by all participants as they live in the space capital of Ukraine and are proud of that.
Participants number – 26 persons.

Have a look at more pictures, please

Yuri’s Night at WOA Dnipro

This afternoon the Gabfest Club session (Window on America center, Dnipro, Ukraine) started with the introduction of the new-comers. The regular club members as always asked them tricky questions about the role of English in their lives.
The official topic of the session was “The First Manned Spaceflight Anniversary”. The group was introduced to such US phenomenon as “Yuri’s Night”. Yuri's Night events "combine space-themed partying with education and outreach". Parties and events are held at NASA centers, museums, schools, bars, houses, and other locations.

The goal of Yuri's Night is to increase public interest in space exploration and to inspire a new generation of explorers. Driven by space-inspired artistic expression and culminating in a worldwide network of annual celebrations and educational events, Yuri's Night creates a global community of young people committed to shaping the future of space exploration while developing responsible leaders and innovators with a global perspective. These global events are a showcase for elements of culture that embrace space including music, dance, fashion, and art.
We have watched several illustrative videos about Yuri’s parties in different US cities and discussed them.
The space topic was welcomed by all participants as they live in the space capital of Ukraine and are proud of that.
Participants number – 30 persons.

Have a look at more pictures, please

12 April, 2018

English for beginners: Start English

A new mini project "English for beginners: Start English" has been launched in Window on America center in Dnipro. Volunteer Anna Motorina generously shared her knowledge with the club members attended the club today. We concentrated our attention around reading rules for the vowels.
Number of participants – 15 persons.