14 May, 2016

UN Day for Cultural Diversity and Development

Within the framework of the educational project #УкраїнаSpeaking DOUNB Library and "Window on America" Center were presented to new comers.
This Saturday the Gabfest’s Club observed the UN Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (May, 21). Cultural diversity matters, because three-quarters of the world’s major conflicts have a cultural dimension. Bridging gaps between cultures is urgent and necessary for peace, stability and development.
The session’s moderator introduced a recent UN Alliance for Civilizations’ campaign “Do one Thing for Diversity and Inclusion”. 10 easy actions may improve the situation in different parts of the world. We defined these 10 actions and illustrated them with local opportunities. Among the actions were:
- visit to an art exhibit or museum dedicated to other culture
- learn about other religion
- watch a foreign movie
- listen to music from a different culture
-play a sport from a different culture
- invite a friend and cook a foreign meal
-learn about traditional celebrations from other culture
-volunteer with an organization working for diversity and inclusion
-learn another language
-invite people from different culture and share your customs.

The Club members shared their own experiences of other cultures during business and leisure trips abroad. The ones who has never been abroad told about their encounters with different cultures in Ukraine .We laughed about the funny cases when Ukrainians impose their traditions on foreigners (like offering huge servings of spirits and pork)..
The topic was not easy, but it was educational for all participants. We hope that some of the sessions’ participants will do at least one thing for Cultural diversity in Dnipropetrovsk.
Number of participants – 36 persons.
Have a look at more pictures, please

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