11 February, 2012

Presidential Food: Yeas and Nays

Presidential Food: Yeas and Nays

George Washington

We know one George who didn’t care for broccoli. But, can you name which President, or Candidate, who didn’t care for beans? Well, actually, there are at least two of those.

Yea: Ice Cream. Washington enjoyed the frozen treat so much that he had two ice cream freezers installed at his home in Mount Vernon, a rarity at the time.

Nay: Spanish Tenerife wine was served to the guests of Mount Vernon, but there was always a bottle of Madeira especially for George.

Fun Fact: The cherry tree story is myth. What’s true is that our first President couldn’t get enough of the sweet fruit.

 Barack Obama

Yea: Shrimp, Grits, and Chili
Nay: British food
Fun Fact: He professes to be a pretty good poker player (and basketball player, too.)

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