Crime |
imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual
redemption through acts of common decency.
Director: Frank
Stephen King (short story "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption"),
Frank Darabont (screenplay)
Stars: Tim
Robbins, Morgan Freeman and Bob Gunton
The number
of visitors – 15 persons.
A Dnipropetrovsk WINDOWS ON AMERICA featured
presentation 8 February 2012
Tricky English Excerpts
Lisbon became the great embarkation point.
A tortuous, roundabout refugee trail sprang
Across the rim of Africa.
...obtain exit visas and scurry to
London. Round up all suspicious
The scum of Europe has gravitated to
Be on guard. This place is full of
You may find the climate a trifle warm.
You are a very cynical person., Rick
(Cynical: Distrusting or disparaging the motives of others. Bitterly or
sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.)
Maybe I'll get her on the rebound, eh?
I have often speculated on why you didn't
return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds?
And when two lovers woo, they both say I
love you.
Well, a precedent is being broken!
We have a curfew here in Casablanca.
Leave him on the curb looking bemused.
Lost in thought, preoccupied. Amused: pleasurably entertained, occupied,
or diverted.
He's just another blundering American.
We will not mince words. So far you have
been successful in eluding us.
You have a reputation for eloquence. You're a hypocrite! You're a rank sentimentalist.
I'll miss you! You're the only one in
Casablanca who has even less scruples than I.
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