The year 2016 in Ukraine is the year of the English Language.
The Activate English Group at DOUNB library is an integral part of the EXPRESS-ENGLISH course offered to the Window on America Dnipropetrovsk readers in year 2016.
The Activate English Group was created for people who have been studying English for several years, but are too shy to speak. The objective of the course is to activate the passive knowledge and enable the students of English to express themselves in English no matter how small might be their vocabulary.
All the participants found the session educational and helpful.
Participants number – 24 persons.
September, 21 – Wednesday Movie Club at #DniproWOA
Today our movie session was unusual. As a rule we watch feature films, but this time our Australian friends Eric with Irina offered a unique opportunity to watch documentary movies about Australia, each of them last for ten or fifteen minutes. These movies were about Australian nature, sanctuaries, zoos and an old part or Sidney. It was really amazing to watch these movies and then discussed them.
Participants number – 23 persons.
22-23 вересня – Всеукраїнська науково-практична конференція «Міжнародна діяльність бібліотек як
складова європейського вибору держави» (м.Одеса). Метою конференції було висвітлення пріоритетних напрямів міжнародної діяльності бібліотек України.
Дніпропетровську ОУНБ ім. Первоучителів слов’янських Кирила і Мефодія на конференції представляли співробітники інформаційно-ресурсного центру «Вікно в Америку» Світлана Усенко і Тамара Гаврилюк. Темами їх доповідей були:
- Реалізація грантового проекту “Windows Go Biking”: «Велосипед – тренажер для тіла, а книга та читання – тренажер для розуму і душі».
- Досвід бібліотеки по залученню волонтерства в міжнародні проекти по вивченню європейських мов.
У доповідях йшлося про міжнародні проекти Дніпропетровської ОУНБ, завдяки яким відвідувачі бібліотеки можуть вивчати іноземні мови і знайомитися з культурами світу.
У роботі конференції брали участь фахівці з національних бібліотек, зокрема Національної бібліотеки імені В.І. Вернадського та Національної наукової медичної бібліотеки України. Своїм досвідом поділилися співробітники обласних універсальних наукових бібліотек з 17 областей України. На конференції були присутні представники районних та міських бібліотек, видавництва «Зелена хвиля».
Кількість учасників – 2 особи.
This afternoon the GABFEST Club at #DniproWOA gave its floor to our Australian volunteer Mr. Eric who offered to watch and discuss a video about tourist attractions of his Australian home – the Hunter Valley in NSW.
With great interest the Club members watched the film about cow and race horses farms, historic mansions turned into guest houses; jazz, hot air balloons and rodeo festivals; the wild life and beautiful nature of the Hunter Valley.
The highlight and the treasure of the valley is white Australian wine. We watched how it is grown and manufactured. The group was urged to tell Mr. Eric about the Ukrainian wine regions and typical wines. We discussed the qualities of the wine brand produced in Dnipro. Some club members recommended Trans Carpathian wines. We also recommended the Black Sea region wines and discussed their merits. Some information about the historic background of Ukrainian vineyards was provided.
The surprise of the session was the return of our US volunteer Mr. Jason. He brought us a present from his trip to Caucasus region – a book about the Wines of Georgia.
At the end of the session the group was offered a round of “Speed English” prepared by WOA’s volunteer educator O.Myrgorodska. All the participants were thrilled and were looking forward to their turn to talk to native speakers.
Participant number – 30 persons.
#УкраїнаSpeaking #americanspaces #DniproWOA #Dnipropetrovsk #library #DOUNB #ДОУНБ #Ukraine #EducationalActivities #LearnEnglish #Gabfest #SpeedEnglish
September, 26 – Theodor Dreiser for High School Students.
To observe the anniversary of Theodor Dreiser the WOA staff member T. Gavryliuk offered a presentation to the 9th year students. The children study at the local school No. 141 with focus on English and other foreign languages.
The Dreiser’s novels from the DOUNB library collection were displayed to the group and the importance of his work was explained. The book trailer for Dreiser’s most popular book “An American Tragedy” was screened and translated by the students. A short discussion about the American dream followed.
The highlight of the session was the conversation about
Dreiser’s trip to the Soviet Union and visit to the Ukrainian cities of Kiev, Odessa and Donetsk (Stalino then). ”Dreiser looks at Russia” book contained his impressions about the Soviet Union. We discussed 16 things that surprised him most.
The students also translated a Dreiser’s quote about happiness and answered the questions of a literary quiz about Th.Dreiser’s novels.
Participants number – 12 persons.
United States Vice-Consul Ed O’Bryan visited Dnipro and gave a presentation on Diversity Visas and visa fraud issues. The meeting took place at Window on America Center, Dnipro Oblast Research Library, 18 D. Yavornytskyi Ave.
Mr. O’Bryan was available to answer any other questions that the audience may have regarding current diversity visa application procedures.
Participants number – 35 persons.
Thank you for visit, Mr.O'Bryan!
September, 27 – Business Visas.
Participants number – 15 persons.
September, 27 – VIP at Course Graduation.
This afternoon the Activate English Group had its last lesson. The surprise visit of the US Vice-Consul in Kyiv Mr. Ed O’Brian thrilled the students.
The age of Activate English learners range from 7 to 80 years. They have introduced themselves to the VIP guest and told him about their professional background.
The Foreign guest asked the Group about the places of interest in Dnipro city and about nice places to eat out with his family. The Ukrainian students were able to present the brief history of Dnipro, its historical monuments (palaces, fortresses, and cathedrals) and popular modern sites. The best buy recommendations included Petrykivka paintings, Millennium chocolate and other gastronomic souvenirs of the region.
The second part of the session was dedicated to the conversation about different types of transport and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The students who attended all 10 lessons of the course received their Certificates of Attendance.
Participants number – 23 persons.
Today our movie session was unusual. As a rule we watch feature films, but this time our Australian friends Eric with Irina offered a unique opportunity to watch documentary movies about Australia, each of them last for ten or fifteen minutes. These movies were about Australian nature, sanctuaries, zoos and an old part or Sidney. It was really amazing to watch these movies and then discussed them.
Participants number – 13 persons.
September, 29 – Basic English.
The Basic Group at Window on America Dnipro was familiarized with the vocabulary to the topic “FOOD”. The text by Ogden showed the students how to operate basic verbs and substitute complex meanings with simple grammatical constructions.
The students shared their stories about “My breakfast”. The home task will a challenge – to describe Ukrainian nature or weather in English.
Instructor: T. Gavryliyuk
Pictures: S.Usenko.
Participants number – 15 persons.
September, 29 – Ukrainian Libraries’ Day: Friends’ Greetings.
On the eve of the Ukrainian Libraries’ Day (September, 30) the DOUNB Library foreign department staff and "Window on America" (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine) center were greeted by the long-time partners – the teachers and students of the high school №141. The Librarians’ team heard the words of appreciation for all educational events offered to the students within the cooperation project framework. In return the librarians highly appreciated flowers, sweet treats and especially a musical number. The DOUNB Library staff is motivated to plan and present new events for the inquisitive young generation.
Participants number – 6 persons.
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