The guests shared their opinion about the American cuisine restaurants in Dnipropetrovsk.
The guests were asked if they found the transportation system of Dnipropetrovsk and the region ready for the big inflows of foreign visitors. All the Americans expressed their views on the present state of the city public transport.
The second part of the ESC session was dedicated to the International CHESS Day, July, 20.
We have learned some facts about the history of chess, the basic terms ( the names of the chess pieces) , the aim and the basic rules of the game.
The USA grandmasters were presented to the club members.
William Steinitz is the first undisputed world chess champion (1886 to 1894) , the founder and editor of the "International Chess Magazine".
Bobby Fisher (1943- 2008) is the American chess legend. This controversial master proposed a new variant of chess and a modified chess timing system.
Bobby Fisher (1943- 2008) is the American chess legend. This controversial master proposed a new variant of chess and a modified chess timing system.
The game of chess inspired artists in different genres to create pictures, sculptures and music.
The famous rock group “Black Sabbath” in the song “War Pigs” also mentioned chess game. The video with the relevant music was enjoyed by some.
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