
Дніпровський центр «Вікно в Америку» відвідав американський журналіст Зореслав Байдюк, що 17 років працює у великій медійній компанії «Голос Америки» (українська служба), якій цього року виповнюється 75 років. Тож у керівництва компанії виникло бажання дізнатися що українці думають про ці програми, чи дивляться вони їх.
Українська служба "Голосу Америки" має унікальну можливість з перших вуст передавати своїм глядачам в Україні інформацію про життя у Сполучених Штатах. Пан Зореслав та інші кореспонденти подорожують у найвіддаленіші куточки країни і демонструють Америку без прикрас. На зустрічі була представлена серія відео-замальовок «Американська глибинка» / “Off the highway” про крихітні містечка та поселень вздовж річки Міссісіпі. Виявилося, що життя і турботи фермерів Америки дуже подібні до українського. Приємно здивував сюжет-розповідь про унікальний будинок літніх людей, куди приходять малі діти з дитячого садка. Вони спілкуються між собою – дорослі передають їм свій досвід, а діти гарний настрій і позитивну енергію. Також цікавим був сюжет про жителів передмість Вашингтону, які кооперуються, щоб дістатися до роботи у дешевший спосіб – якщо у машині окрім водія є 3 пасажири, то дозволяється мчати швидкісною автострадою безкоштовно. Менше транспорту – менший негативний вплив на екологію міста, люди готові товаришувати-довіряти одне одному в країні, де заборонено автостоп.
Можливо когось знайомство з американськими бізнесовими ідеями може підштовхнути до початку власного бізнесу в Україні.

Дніпровці, що відгукнулися на запрошення бібліотекарів (Facebook, ТВ), дивилися сюжети і слухали з цікавістю розповідь гостя, одночасно ставили гостю багато запитань. Після перегляду присутніх запитали, що вони думають про програми Голосу Америки" і що ми хотіли би побачити у наступних сюжетах. Журналісти «Голосу Америки» цінують думки своїх глядачів, їх буде враховано під час створення нових програм «Голосу Америки».
Америка стає зрозумілішою після таких зустрічей! Культурні програми за підтримки Посольства США в Україні сприяють порозумінню між Україною та США, прості українці стають поінформованими, більш толерантними, відкритішими, доброзичливішими.
До заходу приєдналися журналісти 51 каналу Спільне бачення, що організували медіа-підтримку візиту Зореслава Байдюка у місто Дніпро. 11 канал зняв сюжет для новин.
Кількість учасників заходу – 80 осіб.
Америка стає зрозумілішою після таких зустрічей! Культурні програми за підтримки Посольства США в Україні сприяють порозумінню між Україною та США, прості українці стають поінформованими, більш толерантними, відкритішими, доброзичливішими.
До заходу приєдналися журналісти 51 каналу Спільне бачення, що організували медіа-підтримку візиту Зореслава Байдюка у місто Дніпро. 11 канал зняв сюжет для новин.
Zoreslav Baydiuk at Window on America center in Dnipro, Ukraine.
The «Voice of America» Ukrainian service has a unique opportunity to convey to its audience in Ukraine the first hand information about the life in the United States. Mr. Zoreslav Baydiuk and other reporters travel to the most remote corners of the country and show real life America.
At the meeting Mr. Baydiuk featured the video sketches series «America. Off the Highway».
The guests watched the videos with curiosity and asked a lot of questions afterword.
The Dnipro audience’s feedback was very important for Mr. Baydiuk. The «Voice of America» wants to know the opinion of the Ukrainian public, what topics would be interesting for the Ukrainian viewers. The «Voice of America» journalists appreciate the viewers’ thoughts; they will take them into account during the creation of new “Voice of America” programs.

These programs contribute to the understanding between Ukraine and the United States, after watching them Ukrainians become more informed, more tolerant and friendly.
Participants number – 80 persons.
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This afternoon the session of the Gabfest Club (Window on America center in Dnipro, Ukraine) was Hate crimes. The group was familiarized with the definition of a hate crime and was introduced to the phenomenon of a “rainbow flag”. The educational videos explained the symbolism of the rainbow flag, the English terms and slang words connected with the topic.
The group was offered a video that explained the impact of the same-sex marriage law on the economy of the USA. The club members commented on the LGBT rights in Ukraine and explained some peculiarities to our foreign guest from France – Mr. Michel.
The celebration of LGBT history month in June commemorates the Stonewall riots, which occurred near the end of June 1969 in New York City and are often considered the beginning of the modern LGBT rights movement. As gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights have gained visibility and progress in recent years, LGBT Pride Month has begun to receive recognition at the federal level. President Bill Clinton was the first to officially declare June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month, issuing a proclamation on June 2, 2000. The Obama White House issued an annual proclamation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month, beginning in 2011, according to the White House archives.
The pleasant surprise for the group was the arrival of our American volunteer – Mr. Kelly. The group had a brief Q&A session with our foreign guests and practiced their conversational skills.
Participants number – 26 persons.
Moderator: T. Gavryliyuk.
Pictures: S.Usenko.
Have a look at more pictures, please

Представник бібліотеки, керівник інформаційно-ресурсного центру "Вікно в Америку" Світлана Усенко, взяла участь у Круглому столі за зміцнення діалогу між громадянським суспільством, громадськими організаціями, органами місцевого самоврядування та Національною поліцією у питаннях запобігання дискримінації та злочинам на ґрунті ненависті у регіоні (м. Дніпро).

Зазначена мета заходу відповідала загальним цілям Національної стратегії у сфері прав людини, що спрямована на об'єднання суспільства довкола розуміння цінності прав і свобод людини, які захищаються на основі принципу рівності та недискримінації.
У програмі заходу розглянули такі питання:
1. Презентація дослідження «Злочини на ґрунті ненависті щодо ЛГБТ в Україні у 2014-2016 роках».
2. Роль органів місцевого самоврядування та громадянського суспільства у питаннях формування політики недискримінації та соціальної толерантності.
3. Роль Національної поліції та громадських організацій в ефективному реагуванні, розслідуванні та підтримці жертв злочинів ненависті.
4. Налагодження мостів та напрацювання спільних ефективних заходів у протидії злочинам ненависті.
Органіpfтори заходу - правозахисний ЛГБТ Центр “Наш світ” (www.gay.org.ua) – українська громадська організація, яка працює з 1998 року та метою якої є захист прав та свобод, задоволення суспільних, соціальних, культурних, політичних, економічних та інших інтересів української ЛГБТ-спільноти.
В ході своєї діяльності Центр “Наш світ” здійснює постійний моніторинг порушень прав ЛГБТ, надає правову допомогу жертвам дискримінації та потерпілим від злочинів ненависті, правову просвіту ЛГБТ-спільноти, адвокацію захисту прав ЛГБТ та стратегічне судочинство (#ЄСПЛ).
Їх моніторингова інформація була використана у щорічних доповідях з прав людини українського Омбудсмена, звітах Комісара Ради Європи з прав людини, щорічних звітах Державного Департаменту США про дотримання прав людини у світі, звітах зі злочинів на ґрунті ненависті #ОБСЄ.
Круглий стіл запланований в рамках проекту “Захист прав ЛГБТ-людей в Україні: підтримка в реалізації Національної стратегії прав людини, що захищає права лесбійок, геїв і трансґендерних людей”, який реалізується за підтримки Посольства Великої Британії в Україні.


"Window on America” Dnipro continues to participate in the project “WOA Special” from the famous US broadcaster “Voice of America”.
The project is offered by the "Voice of America”’s Ukrainian service and the popular Ukrainian journalist Zoreslav Baydyuk who works in the USA.
Today WOA’s regular patrons – students of the "Basic English" Express Course – arrived to the class earlier than usual to watch a documentary. This afternoon they will learn about innovative approaches to agri-business in the USA.
Our Ukrainian viewers were surprised that in US the popularity of agri-tourism is growing. Both children and adults are interested in growing vegetables. Natural dairy products can now be purchased from farmers and urban gardens where people grow vegetables themselves become very popular.
The Americans have realized the value of organic vegetables, the food waste issues are also debated in the communities.
To encourage Ukrainians to engage into agri-business in Ukraine the film-makers suggest such source of income as breeding of alpacas – South American lamas.
We are grateful to the Voice of America’s Ukrainian service and the US State Department for the opportunity to learn more interesting and helpful facts about the life in USA. We will additionally announce the screening of the next VOA’s series.
Number of viewers – 25 students of the "Basic English" Express Course.
Presenter and pictures: S.Usenko.
Have a look at more pictures, please

This summer a Ukrainian-American project “Ukraine Inside Out” was launched! “UA Inside Out” is an moto bike tour of Ukraine in one summer.
The project’s authors and participants are an American traveler in Ukraine M. Myrtle and his Ukrainian friend Ms. Natalie. Mr. Myrtle is a motorbike enthusiast and Natalie is a tourism journalist. They collect materials about Ukraine as a tourist destination to create a travel app (travel mobile application) in English, Ukrainian and Russian. The travel photos and videos will be freely accessible to all those foreign guests willing to travel to Ukraine.
The authors’ shot bio facts:
Monty Myrtle is an American traveler, motorcycle enthusiast. He visited 36 countries and covered about 100 000 km on a motorbike. He worked for 1 year in Antarctica, at the Amundsen-Scott Polar Research Station on the South Pole. He has some diplomatic experience as he was employed by the US diplomatic missions in Russia and Ukraine.

Natalia Adamenko is a Ukrainian travel journalist. She cooperated with the Ukrainian magazine "World of Tourism" and the tourist online resource «Poputno».
The “Ukraine Inside Out” project aims to show the world the true tourist potential of Ukraine, the richness of its nature and history, to provide practical information about tourist attractions, routes, road conditions.
The project participants also want to demonstrate two different views on our country – with the eyes of a Ukrainian and an American.
Participants number – 42 persons.
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This afternoon the Window on America Dnipro's English Speaking Club session was dedicated to the US founding fathers.
The session of the Gabfest Club started with the introduction of the newcomers. After that we talked about the celebration of the Father’s Day in the USA.
The educational part of the session introduced the group to the term “Founding Fathers of the United States of America". The Founding Fathers of the United States are those individuals of the Thirteen Colonies in North America who led the American Revolution against the authority of the British Crown in word and deed and contributed to the establishment of the United States of America.
We read and translated an article about the most prominent personalities, watched the videos about their controversy regarding slaveholding, learned about the fashion of that period to wear powdered wigs as a sign of status.
The surprise for the group was the arrival of the WOA’s volunteer Mr. Kelly. He told the club members about his travels in the East-European countries and had a short Q@A session.
Participants number – 22 persons.
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A big group of Dnipro "Window on America" patrons watched a film about the American art. Art is the driving force of social processes; it helps to combat negative phenomena and to draw attention to global social problems.
The highlight of the film was a virtual tour of the Metropolitan Museum in New York. Visiting this world known museum online was a wonderful option for people who live on another continent!
Number of viewers – 30 students of the "Basic English" Express Course.
Presenter and pictures: S.Usenko.
Have a look at more pictures, please
Within the frame work of the project "Summer with "Window on America" WOA Dnipro was visited by group of summer camp children from schools No.23.
The DOUNB Library staff prepared a surprise for them – a cartoon about library’s rules, video about tourist attractions of Washington D.C., the kids had a chance to see books for children, and learn many new English words from cartoon Goldilocks. The educational videos helped to have fun and learn correct pronunciation of the English words.
Participants number – 20 persons.
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This morning a group of English language teachers from Dnipro oblast visited the DOUNB Library as part of their skills up-grading training.
The WOA staff member familiarized them with the political poster display with the theme “Corruption is…”.
The teachers were informed about the free resources available at WOA Dnipro and invited to cooperate in social networks and via the video-conferencing.
Participants number – 20 persons.

"Window on America” Dnipro continues to participate in the project “WOA Special” from the famous US broadcaster “Voice of America”.
The project is offered by the "Voice of America”’s Ukrainian service and the popular Ukrainian journalist Zoreslav Baydyuk who works in the USA.
Today WOA’s regular patrons – students of the "Activate English" Express Course – arrived to the class earlier than usual to watch a documentary. This afternoon they will learn about innovative approaches to agri-business in the USA.
Our Ukrainian viewers were surprised that in US the popularity of agri-tourism is growing. Both children and adults are interested in growing vegetables. Natural dairy products can now be purchased from farmers and urban gardens where people grow vegetables themselves become very popular.
The Americans have realized the value of organic vegetables, the food waste issues are also debated in the communities.
To encourage Ukrainians to engage into agri-business in Ukraine the film-makers suggest such source of income as breeding of alpacas - South American lamas.
We are grateful to the Voice of America’s Ukrainian service and the US State Department for the opportunity to learn more interesting and helpful facts about the life in USA.We will additionally announce the screening of the next VOA’s series.
Number of viewers – 35 students of the "Activate English" Express Course.
Presenter and pictures: S.Usenko.
Have a look at more pictures, please

Within the frame work of the project "Summer with "Window on America" WOA Dnipro was visited by 3 groups of summer camp children from schools No.23 and No.99.
The DOUNB Library staff prepared a surprise for them – a tour of the DOUNB Library. The kids had a chance to see how a 3D printer works at the “Maker Space”. They learned how to tell in English about the tourist attractions of the Dnipro region. They have demonstrated their knowledge of the US geography and history.
The children actively responded to the questions of moderators, demonstrated their knowledge of spoken English. The educational videos helped to have fun and learn correct pronunciation of the English words.
The children sang, danced, happily clapped hands.
Participants number – 50 persons
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WOA’s Speed English.
This afternoon the topic for the Speed English conversation was “Corruption”. The participants examined the political poster exhibition at the DOUNB Library and shared their impressions about the artworks.
Participants number – 27 persons.
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This afternoon the WOA’s English-Speaking Club Gabfest (Window on America center in Dnipro, Ukraine) had a session dedicated to the World Ocean Day observed annually on June, 08.
The World Oceans Day theme for 2017 was "Our Oceans, Our Future". The main focus in global discussions and events was on plastic pollution prevention and cleaning the ocean of marine litter.
The group was offered several educational videos that introduced the new ocean vocabulary, the names of the Oceans in English and the things that Ocean gives the humans.

The highlight of the session was a travel video about the Florida Keys. The Florida Keys are a coral cay archipelago located off the southern coast of Florida, forming the southernmost portion of the continental United States. It offers amazing range of activities: sport fishing, snorkeling, diving. Creeks, coral and costumed spectacles are other lures in the area. Highway 1 is a spectacular ribbon tying together the islands and atolls of this paradise between the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic.
WOA’s volunteer Mr. Jason was present at the session and added some interesting stories about the Florida Keys.
Participants number – 25 persons.
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Within the frame work of the project "Summer with "Window on America" WOA Dnipro was visited by a big group of summer camp children from school No.23.
The DOUNB Library staff prepared a surprise for them – educational games dedicated to beloved pet and delicious fruit! The children actively responded to the tasks, demonstrated their knowledge of the English vocabulary. The educational videos helped to have fun and learn correct pronunciation of the English words.
The information was adapted for the children's age; it contained educational and entertaining elements with pauses. The children sang, danced, happy clapped hands. The Library’s "smart board» was a hit. The kids had to make a line to provide access to the smart board to all willing to answer interactive questions.
Participants number – 80 persons
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On the main street of Dnipro city in front of the DOUNB Library building the Window on America center staff joined the promotional event for library services.
The "Window on America" Librarians informed persons about free resources for learning English in the library, the clubs and courses offered at WOA.
The librarians distributed promo flyers, disseminated information about the Express English courses, signed up new readers.
Number of participants – 32 persons.
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Within the frame work of the project "Summer with "Window on America" WOA Dnipro was visited by a group of summer camp children from school No.99.
The DOUNB Library staff prepared a surprise for them – educational games dedicated to beloved pet and delicious fruit! The children actively responded to the tasks, demonstrated their knowledge of the English vocabulary. The educational videos helped to have fun and learn correct pronunciation of the English words.
The information was adapted for the children's age; it contained educational and entertaining elements with pauses. The children sang, danced, happy clapped hands. The Library’s "smart board» was a hit. The kids had to make a line to provide access to the smart board to all willing to answer interactive questions.
Participants number – 25 persons
Have a look at more pictures, please

on July, 7 - Wednesday Movie Club: 500 Days of Summer.
This afternoon the WOA’s Movie Club (at Window on America center Dnipro, Ukraine ) offered the big-screening of a nice film.
“500 Days of Summer” is a 2009 American romantic comedy-drama film directed by Marc Webb.
The film employs a non-linear narrative structure. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. The plot is based upon its male protagonist and his memories of a failed relationship.
The film received favorable reviews and became a successful "sleeper hit", earning over $60 million in worldwide returns, far exceeding its $7.5 million budget. Many critics named the film as one of the best from 2009.
WOA’s patrons enjoyed the film and the discussion that followed.
Participants number – 12 persons.
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on July, 14 - Wednesday Movie Club:
This evening the WOA Dnipro's Movie club has big-screened a film "King Arthur".
King Arthur is a 2004 Irish-British-American historical adventure film directed by Antoine Fuqua and written by David Franzoni. It stars Clive Owen as the title character, Ioan Gruffudd as Lancelot and Keira Knightley as Guinevere.
The film is unusual in reinterpreting Arthur as a Roman officer rather than a medieval knight. Despite these departures from the source material, the Welsh Mabinogion, the producers of the film attempted to market it as a more historically accurate version of the Arthurian legends, supposedly inspired by new archaeological findings. The film was shot in England, Ireland and Wales.
WOA’s patrons enjoyed the film and the discussion that followed.
Participants number – 17.
on July, 21 - Wednesday Movie Club:
The Interpreter.This Wednesday the Window on America Dnipro's Movie club has big-screened a political thriller.
The Interpreter is a 2005 film directed by Sydney Pollack, starring Nicole Kidman, Sean Penn, Catherine Keener, and Jesper Christensen.
Political intrigue and deception unfold inside the United Nations, where a U.S. Secret Service agent is assigned to investigate an interpreter who overhears an assassination plot.
WOA’s patrons enjoyed the film and the discussion that followed.
Participants number – 8 persons.
Activate English 6.3.: My House. My flat.
On June, 6 students of the Dnipro WOA’s “Express-English” course learned to describe traditional Ukrainian peasant house “Khata”.
In Dnipro city region the village cottages are made from clay-and-straw bricks and white-washed. The roofs are covered with the river cane. The typical country cottage is glorified in classical XIX century Ukrainian poems.
We should be proud of our heritage and be able to tell the foreign visitors about traditional Ukrainian architecture.
Number of participants – 42 persons.
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On June, 13
Number of participants – 40 persons.
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On June, 20 - Activate English 6.5.: My favorite sport is... Do you like shopping?
Number of participants – 35 persons.
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On June, 27
Number of participants – 25 persons.
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English fun for visitors from Summer Camps. Dnipro city schools help kids to practice English during summer holidays – they organize visits to WOA Dnipro.
The "Window on America" Dnipro continues educational and recreational activities for students at the school summer camps.
Children from the local school № 99 listened to the slide show presentation "Dnipro City in Ukraine". The objective of the presentation was to teach the kids the basics of cross-cultural communication. They should be prepared to introduce their home country and home town to foreign guests.
We reminded the kids in English about the tourist attractions of Dnipro city and peculiarities of Ukrainian cuisine.
The WOA’s young visitors particularly enjoyed the English vocabulary game with a SMART-board recently installed at the DOUNB Library. Children took turns performing fun tasks. The most active students received souvenirs to remember the visit to WOA.
Participants number – 20 persons.
WOA Dnipro offered its patrons a travelling exhibition of posters with the topic “Corruption is…”.
Corruption is a major issue in Ukraine and WOA Dnipro’s patrons discussed this topic previously at the sessions of the English-speaking Club.
This time the WOA patrons may examine 13 posters from the 4th International Contests “Stop Censorship! Citizens for Free Countries”.
The selected works criticize corruption, promote access to information and highlight anti-corruption practices.
The exhibition emphasizes the importance of art as an effective tool for raising awareness about social issues.
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